Dental Implants

A dental Implant is an artificial tooth root replacement made up of titanium & shaped like a screw. They are made up of titanium as it biologically bonds to bone. They are placed into the bone in a relatively pain-free procedure .Given proper care; dental implants can give a lifetime satisfaction.

Being oral and Maxillo-facial surgeon we have placed dental implants even in very challenging situations and we have done a lot of research work on dental implants which we have even published in various national and international journals.

  • experienced team
  • comprehensive services
  • state-of-the-art technology
  • emergency dental services

Depending upon the time duration dental implants can be put under two categories:-

Immediate loading in which the patient can get the crown within 3-4 days after the implant placement and sometimes immediately after the implant placement (on the same day)..

Delayed loading in which the patient has to wait for a period of 3-4 months to get the crown after implant placement.